Bouquet Classic Charm

$135.00 +Tax


This charming floral bouquet features 12 premium white roses, accompanied by baby roses, daisies, tulips, and a touch of baby breath, all enhanced with a hint of greenery. The arrangement is meticulously wrapped in waterproof paper and displayed in a discreet plastic vase to preserve the freshness of the flowers. Ideal for conveying your sentiments with grace.

Petal Colors Available: White, Pink, or Red


Flowers Care and Handling:

To keep your arrangement fresh, place it indoors, away from direct sunlight and heating or cooling vents. Avoid positioning it under ceiling fans, and keep the arrangement in a cool spot. For Signature Boxes, add a cup of water to the top center every other day to maintain its freshness.

Viva Floral Design:

Please note that once you place your order, it’s final and cannot be canceled. Unfortunately, we can’t offer refunds or exchanges. By placing this order, you also give us the okay to photograph the beautiful floral arrangements designed by Norma Castillo for your event. We may share these photos on our website, social media, or other promotional materials. We appreciate your understanding and support!